by Neuron Learning Team | August 27, 2021 | Auditory Processing Disorder
The following suggestions, though designed for children with known or suspected auditory processing deficiencies (APD), are additionally applicable to children who may have language impairment or who may be considered immature, distractible, or slow in catching on to...
by Neuron Learning Team | August 26, 2021 | Zorbits
Mathematical Terms Use this Fun Classroom Activity on a Whiteboard or Digital Screen. Robo-Dog / Fast ForWord Foundations I Robo-Dog Improves vocabulary Strengthens phonological awareness Targets auditory processing Uses acoustically modified speech...
by Neuron Learning Team | August 20, 2021 | Webinar
Originally BroadcastedDate: Thursday 26th August 2021 Here are 8 DE-STRESS strategies to prepare the brain to ace exams: Remove Distractions: Consider and try to eliminate both physical and mental/ emotional distractions. Exercise: Physical exercises give brain...
by Neuron Learning Team | August 4, 2021 | Webinar
Originally BroadcastedDate: Thursday 12th August 2021 Here are the 3 main takeaways: 1. Whether we see the glass half empty or half full is 25% hereditary. This “personality trait” is linked to brain processes, henced can be changed with conscious effort. It is useful...
by Neuron Learning Team | July 16, 2021 | Maths, Webinar, Zorbits, Zorbits
Originally BroadcastedDate: Thursday 29th July, 2021 Here are the 3 main takeaways: 1. Zorbit Math is a blended-learning software that builds Math conceptual foundations in young children from preschool to Grade 3 levels. Math is fundamentally a “spatial”...
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