by Neuron Learning Team | March 26, 2020 | Auditory Processing Disorder
The checklist has 23 questions. The list will enable you to consider if your child may need a professional assessment or help. For each question please indicate how often the behaviour is exhibited in your child’s / student’s / client’s daily life. If you answer...
by Neuron Learning Team | March 25, 2020 | Auditory Processing Disorder, Dyslexia
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Dr. Martha Burns: Two very new studies have just come out. One was published by a gentlemen whose name is Bart Boats. He and his colleagues were looking at identifying auditory processing disorders in children entering kindergarten and in the first...
by Neuron Learning Team | March 25, 2020 | Case Studies
The benefits of Fast ForWord® on the tablet you love. Fast ForWord has always been at the forefront of technology, helping millions of children and adults improve their language, reading and cognitive skills through computerized learning. Now it can reach even more –...
by Neuron Learning Team | March 25, 2020 | Learning Interventions
What are Learning (Cognitive) MAPS? Learning Maps are: Memory, Attention, Processing and Sequencing. These are the essential cognitive processes that a student needs for reading and learning. Examples of Cognitive Skills include:MEMORY: Improves the ability to retain...
by Neuron Learning Team | February 11, 2020 | English Language Learners
The Importance of Cognitive Skills Its important to understand how the brain builds itself for language and cognitive functions including, memory, attention, the ability to process speech sounds accurately and speedily, and the ability to sequence sounds....
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