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Fast ForWord is developed by neuroscientists to quickly improve reading skills while concurrently developing memory, attention, processing and sequencing—the cognitive skills required to read and learn effectively.

Fact Finding
Before you start we recommend that you speak with us. We will review your child’s needs and help you identify interventions to achieve their reading goals. This in-depth conversation allows you to determine if Fast ForWord is suitable for your child. The consultation covers the essential information for your child’s progress and is free of charge.
Prepare, Practice, Reinforce
A successful implementation includes three steps for fast change:
Step 1: Prepare
Fast ForWord is the only programme that cross-train skills. The Fast ForWord product prepares the brain for reading by improving the language and cognitive skills that are weak in struggling students (MAPS: memory, attention, processing speed, and sequencing).
Step 2: Practice
Practice makes permanent. With the Fast ForWord product, your child receives personalised, intensive practice on a wide variety of language and reading skills—more than any other approach or intervention. Intensity is the key to getting far better results, fast.
Step 3: Reinforce
Fast ForWord is unique in its ability to use speech verification technology. Our product listens to students as they read aloud and provides corrective guided reading feedback to help reinforce new language and reading skills and rapidly build fluency and comprehension.
Personal Consultant
You get your own consultant to support you throughout the programme. You have direct access to your designated consultant. We send weekly reports and have regular phone calls with parents during which we review progress, errors, interventions and answer all your questions.
Joyce Kerins
Course Consultant
Joyce is one of the leading practitioners in reading and learning development in education.
She is a qualitied teacher and has over 15 years experience working with Fast ForWord©.
Joyce provides a top class service to her students and their parents.
“Thanks to Joyce who is always on hand to take our calls or answer any questions I have. I would recommend this to anyone!”
Tessa Hanafin via Facebook
Dear Joyce, thank you for this wonderful program. My daughter has autism. Last year she was engaged in this program for 3 months. She was happy to do the tasks. The results are amazing: she began to talk more, began to understand a lot more and easier to connect with.
My son has been doing Fast Forward over this academic year and the difference it has made has been phenomenal. He’s been really amazing about putting in the work because he enjoys it and our side of things has be so well supported by Joyce. The improvement in auditory processing has led to an increase in his concentration in class and he’s much happier and his school are delighted. Best thing is that we will be able to continue using Fast Forward over the summer and he can keep improving!
Comprehension, Attention, Memory and Articulation All Improved
“This programme really works! We signed our 10 yr old son, who has APD, up, and saw changes within a couple of weeks. His comprehension, attention, memory and articulation all improved and we are now doing the Reading Assistant as well, which he really loves.”
Esther McDermott Via Facebook
"It's Brilliant"
My Daughter is doing FastWord. She was struggling a lot but thanks to Joyce my daughter has (really) come on. More to go yet. But when your daughter herself can see that she has make progress it’s brilliant!
Bridget Galvin Via Facebook
Frequently Asked Questions
If the information you need is not here please contact us directly.
How do I access the programme?
Current Student: Please go to www.myscilearn.com/learner Please use the school name “Neuron Learning Main Site”. You will also need your Username and Password. If you do not have this please contact us by email or use the form above
Demo: If you would like to see the programmes please contact us by email or use the form above
How do I contact you?
Email me: joyce@neuronlearning.com
Book a call: www.calendly.com/joycekerins
Use our contact form: Click here
Phone: UK 0208 12345 58 Ireland 021 234 0203 International + 353 21 2340203
Who is the program suitable for?
We work with struggling learners i.e. those who have language, reading and/or cognitive issues.
- reading difficulties,
- auditory processing disorder (APD),
- speech or language impairment,
- mild to moderate autism,
- dyspraxia
- dyslexia,
- a learning disability, or
- general learning struggles but do not qualify for extra help at school.
How will Fast ForWord help my child?
Fast ForWord cross-trains your child’s cognitive skills with language and reading skills. So your child becomes a better learner in all areas. They are able to pay attention better, remember more, follow instructions and accurately and efficiently process information.
Most reading programs and solutions work around the underlying weaknesses that cause your child’s reading difficulty. The Fast ForWord online reading intervention targets learning struggles at their core, starting in the brain. The Fast ForWord solution produces efficient and enduring gains in reading skills by intentionally training the foundational cognitive skills required for reading and all learning.
Click here for more information
What is The Learning Timeline?
The Learning time-line starts with receptive language followed by expressive language, reading, reading comprehension, writing and learning. First the cognitive skills i.e. Memory, Attention, Processing and Sequencing all need to be strengthened as these are the foundation on which everything is built.
What is ClearFluency?
ClearFluency is an innovative online guided reading tool that provides intensive reading practice. Learners use the tool to read developmentally appropriate texts both silently and aloud.
What makes ClearFluency such an innovative reading practice tool is its use of patented technology that listens as each word is read aloud and delivers immediate support whenever a learner struggles with or mispronounces a word — reinforcing newly learned reading skills, vocabulary, and fluency.
Is Fast ForWord suitable for all ages?
We recommend that students are six years old at least.
How often do you see students?
What is the role of the parent (guardian or tutor)?
Your child will work on the Fast ForWord program for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. This can be done at home. The program must be supervised by either a parent or tutor who ensures that he or she works as well as possible each day.
We communicate directly with parents. We give you regular reports and also additional intervention tools as needed. We schedule calls with parents to follow up on progress.
How do you support parents and students?
Weekly Reports are sent to the parents of all students on Saturdays or Sundays. Recommended interventions will also be sent to you from a Neuron Learning coordinator who analyses and reviews the reports on a regular basis. Parents are encouraged to contact us either by email or phone should they need any support while implementing the program
Your personal Fast ForWord Provider will be a mentor who will guide your child as they are appropriately challenged in their specific area of need, who will communicate progress, keep you and your child motivated to get fast results, and celebrate their successes with you. Put our years of experience to work for you!.
How often does my child work on the programme?
We recommend a schedule of 30 or 50 minutes a day for 3 or 5 days a week.
Our research shows 1 to 2 years gains in 40 to 60 hours work. The frequency and intensity of the student’s participation ensures fast progress.
How long will my child work on the programme?
On average students are with us for 9 months. Some are on the program for less time and others are on it for longer.
Your child will complete memory, attention, and auditory processing exercises that look like reading or pre-reading games.
After a few weeks, 96% of parents report their child has improved in reading, focus, understanding, and/or completing homework.
Your child will work on the Fast ForWord program directly through us.
Are there free trials for students / parents who are not sure?
Parents, children and teachers are welcome to access the demos online. We do not offer free trials.
Is there a risk of overloading the child if he is working on Fast ForWord and another program at the same time.?
Yes. we would recommend working on Fast ForWord only. If you are keen for your child to work on another intervention as well then finish that program first. Or you can take a break for a while and work and Fast ForWord.
Do you give my child a reading test?
Yes. We use an independent test supplied by Pearson plc. This is based on international norms. You will receive a summary that gives a reading age and percentile as well as raw scores in comprehension, decoding, phonological awareness and spelling.
We use this test for placement on the course as well as measuring before and after course progress.
How do I know the programme is working?
We monitor the course all the way through. We send you weekly progress reports. We are available for phone conversation as well as “Zoom” type calls. Or you can send your questions in by email. We will contact you if we feel that a concern has arisen for your child’s progress or attendance.
Do you have a programme for an older (secondary school) child?
Yes. Our the newest addition to Fast ForWord is for secondary readers. Elements I is designed for adolescent learners—it delivers the rewards, instant feedback, and socially safe learning environment they need to stay motivated and become college- and career-ready learners and readers. It’s designed for both remote learning and classroom implementation.
What price do you charge for the course?
Our prices cover all resources, assessments, support and consultations. The amount depends on the time you sign up for (typically 3 month periods). It depends on your currency. Please contact us so that we can give you an estimate based on your child’s personal requirements.
If your child requires more than 6 months use of Fast ForWord to reach their reading goals we reduce the price by 50%.
We provide a 20% discount for children from the same family who are on the course at the same time.
What are the technical requirements to run the programme?
You will need internet access and high quality headphones while working on Fast ForWord (with a microphone for Reading Assistant). You will need a second set so you can hear also when sitting with your child while doing interventions (not required all the time). You use an adapter to plug the two sets of headphones into the computer.
An up-to-date browser (Google Chrome/Safari) and a PC/Mac/Chromebook or iPad.
What research is available on the efficacy of Fast ForWord?
These studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the Fast ForWord products, which incorporate brain fitness exercises to improve reading skills, and the Reading Assistant software which targets fluency. They show the impact of the products on diverse populations and in a variety of settings. Click Here to see a summary