Neuron Learning
Presentation 1What is Fast ForWord?
Fast ForWord is an evidence-based, adaptive reading and language program that delivers 1-2 years gain in 40-60 hours of use for English Language Learners and any struggling learner.
Schools choose Fast ForWord because our unique brain-based approach targets the root causes of reading difficulty to deliver lasting results that make better readers and lifelong learners.
Build Listening Accuracy, Language and Cognitive Skills
Covers K -12 grades
55 different on-line games
10 separate modules
High/Low content
Backed with teacher resources
Reading Assistant
Reading Assistant Plus is an innovative online guided reading tool that provides intensive reading practice. Learners use the tool to read developmentally appropriate texts both silently and aloud.
Engage the Adolescent Mind
Age-appropriate content, adaptive exercises, and leveled reading selections dynamically adjust to reading skill attainment and student progress. Exercises are designed to promote confidence and student agency while providing real-time and personalized corrective feedback.
Teaching Resources
On-line and off-line / PC/Apple/iPad/Whiteboard
Computer games, Apps, exercises, Presentations, Videos, Audio files
Workbooks, Flashcards, Reading Books
Class Lesson (with scripts), Annual Planners,
Daily program tracking
Teaching Resources
On-line and off-line / PC/Apple/iPad/Whiteboard
Computer games, Apps, exercises, Presentations, Videos, Audio files
Workbooks, Flashcards, Reading Books
Class Lesson (with scripts), Annual Planners,
Daily program tracking
Who is it for?
Different learner types and intervention levels have different needs. Fast ForWord offers a personalized and differentiated pathway for each learner to maximize achievement potential.
Reading Assistant Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Dr. Martha Burns
Reading Assistant provides a private coach to help students with guided oral reading. With Reading Assistant students Model a fluent native speaking reader Practice pronunciation and build vocabulary Helps students become comfortable speaking English and build...
Auditory Processing Disorder – How to Recognise it in Your Child – Webinar.
APD – ITS CRITICAL LINK TO READING I want to welcome everyone to our session today very exciting to have people from here in the US, Canada from around the world and if you are an international attending and you want more information after the webinar please contact...
Why Native Language Skills Matter for English Language Learners.
So, what are the implications for all of you that are listening. English language competence and native language competence are very related. The better the language skills of your students in their native language the better the second language will be...
Why the Sounds of English are Like Keys on the Piano.
These neural clusters are like keys on a piano. There are very specific and you will have neurons that are “ba” neurons in “pa” neurons in “da” neurons in “ka”, just like in a piano when you touch a key it going to give you one note. And because of that, that...
Auditory Processing Disorder Checklist for Parents.
The checklist has 23 questions. The list will enable you to consider if your child may need a professional assessment or help. For each question please indicate how often the behaviour is exhibited in your child’s / student’s / client’s daily life. If you answer...
Auditory Processing Disorder and the Link to Dyslexia.
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Dr. Martha Burns: Two very new studies have just come out. One was published by a gentlemen whose name is Bart Boats. He and his colleagues were looking at identifying auditory processing disorders in children entering kindergarten and in the first...